Spacecraft Cylinder

Unified Theory allows you to develop another design of the spacecraft. It is in the form of the cylinder. The cylindrical shape of the spacecraft is dictated by the principle of its operation (Designing of flying antigravitational kettles see) and does not influence at its stream-line form by air as flow process in the spacecraft misses (Gravity is not an attraction see). The spacecraft represents the horizontal ring cylinder, magnetised on a circle along the ring.  The opposing cylinder is erected coaxially to it. It counterpoises gyration of the basic cylinder. Gyro transmitters of a heading, a tilt and a pitch – inside of the spacecraft salon. In one of lateral bottoms there is a port of guidance of uprise of the spacecraft.

The magnetised cylinder does not have the expressed end poles N and Z. In the course of its magnetisation it is necessary to  check the magnetisation direction. The featured cylindrical ring is twirled concerning a horizontal axis of its symmetry with the linear velocity V1 in the direction of a current of an interior magnetic ether (Z - N). According to the Unified Theory the velocity of a magnetic ether is caused by the charging velocity of microvortexes (look above). We will mark out this velocity V2. As a result the velocity V of streams of this ether is increased: V = V1 + V2. Changing the accessible to a pilot of aircraft the velocity V1, and its direction for the account of gyration of the featured ring, it is possible to affect Gravity with different intensity. It allows to drive smoothly by decreasing of existing Gravity or amplification of the Gravity decreased by the pilot.

The spacecraft it is simple enough mechanically, but the time of its initial start can attain several seconds. It is caused by Inertia of the untwisting cylinder.




Spacecraft Rotor

Another spacecraft can be developed to salvation of mankind.The operation principle of the spacecraft is analogous to the spacecraft Cylinder (Spacecraft Cylinder see and Gravity is not an attraction see). At the same time the spacecraft Rotor has the design features. It looks like the horizontal toroidal-shaped wire reel, flattened to the cylindrical shape. That is, this reel looks like, as if the wire is reeled on the circular hollow cylinder (pipe) by the expedient «in the cylinder and then outside» (look the observational installation in «The Theory and the experiments»). Because of the specified strain the reel looks like the cylinder, similar on the spacecraft Cylinder.

The current is brought to the reel through the lamellar electrical distributor by analogy to the direct current electromotor. The accumulator of start of the spacecraft and the gyroscopes of stabilisation of a heading, a tilt and a pitch are had in the reel. The spacecraft in comparison with the spacecraft Cylinder is more combined mechanically, however differs by the almost instantaneous start and the major accuracy of flight.

Besides, its construction allows to use the guidance of Inertia, featured in the Aircraft Umbrella. By that the kettle gets ability to reduce the velocity of flight from peak V (which more than velocity of a meteor, look above «Spacecraft Cylinder»), to null almost instantaneous. As a result there is variety of possibilities favorable for planet Earth actions on a dangerous asteroid (look Gravity and Inertia control the dangerous natural phenomena). 




Spacecraft Tornado

Using the first necessary condition for the creation of anti-gravity apparatus (Unified Theory of Nature and designing of flying antigravitational kettles see), another design can be developed. This spacecraft represents the vertical cylinder. It is carried out with use of bottoms of designing antigravitational kettles  and the physical essence of a Tornado (The tornado nature see). For this purpose featured in the given chapter the spacecraft Antigravitational umbrella erect the overturn. In the middle of the gained return calotte hole. At Umbrella insert over the calotte surface the converging spiral ether vortex (look Formation of a vortex of ether) is formed. This vortex in process of a refluxing of its streams to middle of the return calotte speeds up the gyration (look above "The Tornado nature"). As a result the specified hole is more and more it is corked and then becomes completely radiopaque for ether. The subsequent streams of the ether vortex twirled over the calotte with huge velocity, reflux downwards from outdoor boundaries of the calotte. Gravity under the calotte disappears.

In the featured spacecraft, except protection against vertical inflow of ether, settle its lateral protection. For this purpose add gyration of artificial dense streams of ether from sides (look above "The Tornado nature"). It is carried out for the gyration account featured in Gravecettle Cylinder the magnetised vertical cylinder. Gyration of the specified cylinder protects salon of the spacecraft from outdoor lateral inflow of a maternal ether (Working out of the Unified Theory look). The spacecraft gets the shape and properties of a tornado. However, as it is erected by the Unified Theory, the inferior extremity of the ether "yoke" of an antigravitating tornado contacts to a surface of Earth. This contact allows to tap the refluxing on walls of "yoke" of a tornado a maternal ether to Earth. The space in "yoke" appears closed, hermetic. A maternal ether is not capable to penetrate in "yoke". As a result the originated under the calotte of a tornado weightlessness is spread and exists in "yoke" from a calotte to Earth.

In the featured spacecraft realisation of the specified contact is impossible. Therefore for prevention of inflow of a maternal ether in the spacecraft from below in the kettle in its inferior part the veil is settled. It is carried out by a horizontal gyroscope (look Principles of control of Gravity). The etherpermeable middle of a gyroscope allows to carry out both spacecraft start, and its flight upwards. These possibilities are caused by that fluxion of ether in the spacecraft is guided upwards (look above "Antigravitational umbrella").

Here the featured spacecraft, besides presence of analogy to a tornado, has some analogy to a globular lightning. However the interior structure of a globular lightning has essential differences from a tornado structure (look "Fireball - a solution of secrets"). Therefore in a globular lightning its weightlessness and "hovering" over Earth is attained only. Globular lightning take-off, as it is erected by the Unified Theory, is impossible.

Thus, the new spacecraft, grounded on the open by the Unified Theory the deep-seated essence of the phenomenon Tornado, is featured.


Spacecraft Wave

Using the Unified Theory of Nature (Working out of the Unified Theory see), it is possible to create means of flight at light speed. In paper Solar sail - illusion the author has given the demonstration of impossibility of flights in Space under the influence of light pressure. At the same time in the description of the experience of P.N.Lebedev in paper Flight in Space is impracticable it is specified in existence of pressure of a single wave. An instance of such unidirectional pressure is activity of one of periodic waves on a water surface on a board in sports surfing. The board moves horizontally with velocity of travel of a surface wave across the gravity direction. In the time the surfer slides on a water surface slantwise and viscously at simultaneous fall him under the influence of Gravity and his simultaneous uprise by a wave. Here it is necessary to score that the velocity of travelling of a surfer on an ocean surface is restricted. It is caused by viscosity of water.

Base of spacecraft Wave is the spacecraft Umbrella in the form of plate (Fig.56 look). The Umbrella is added by a land emitter of electromagnetic waves. For start of the spacecraft it erect on the trestle over the emitter of electromagnetic waves. The Umbrella is switched on - Earth's Gravity disappears. Then it is switched on the impenetrable shield, which is a bottom of spacecraft Umbrella - Inertia disappears. After these operations switch on the emitter of electromagnetic waves. The lead wave, which represents a band of the squeezed ether, puts pressure upon the spacecraft at origination of it contact to the spacecraft on the trestle. Therefore the wave will bear the spacecraft vertically upwards with light speed. A viscous slip, unlike the surfing, here does not originate. It is caused by total absence of Gravity in the spacecraft.

Power of the emitter because of disappearrance of Gravity and Inertia is required inappreciable. For minimisation of losses of the beam at its divergency a wave length in the beam change, and also use a laser principle. The beam cross-section is required considerable enough as the beam should coat from below all the spacecraft. That is the emitter installation is a searchlight with sharp outlines of exterior boundary of the beam. The aimed launcher is close to the alaska «Haarp» on functionality, however its required power more low on some orders.

After an spacecraft exit for limits of ether vortex of Sun it is switched on smoothly Inertia and disconnect on Earth the emitter. Further the flight occurs on Inertia with light speed "C" to the planned star of Galactic and its planets. At approach to the star and its planet the flight is carried out in the beginning for the account of Gravity of the stars, and then - for the account of Gravity of a planet. At approach to a planet switch on inhibiting action by guidance of antigravitational Umbrella.



Space travel on the craft Drill

The Spacecraft Drill is in the form of a dual plate. It is most suitable for individual using at near outer-space travel on Moon, to Mars. It is caused by its small sizes as its major sizes lead to rather considerable difficulties of making of a magnetic field in a medial band of the spacecraft. On requirements of guidance of Gravity here the magnetic field should be dense enough also, that will demand rather a high power of the magnetic oscillator.

The magnetic field in the spacecraf Drill can be created by the strong constant magnet also, for example the magnet, created in Florida. But use of this installation on the spacecraft Drill is impeded, as the cooling in this installation the bulky. Nevertheless, this installation can be developed, using «Heat-mechanical shock in a fluid» (look Generator energy Ray and Prevents explosions of atomic power stations). The new installation becomes compact, possessing rather high speed and efficiency. At an exit of the spacecraft in Space the chilling system is disconnected. At approach of the spacecraft to an aerosphere of a target planet it is switched on again.

For life on the spacecraft take air reserve. It is better for air in the spacecraft to erect capacity in the form of the hollow ring torus. This torus dispose according to the shape of spacecraft on its periphery.


Space travel on the craft Umbrella

Spacecraft Umbrella is in the form of close to the shape of the spacecraft Drill. On Earth is used against a tornado, forest fires, earthquakes, eruptions of burning mountains. It can effectively be used for the smooth relief of spontaneously originated wave of a tsunami or, on the contrary, its intended making on an enemy planet with guidance in its altitude and a traffic route.

It is suitable for business and excursions space travel  in Medial Space.

The specified applications of the spacecraft on Earth are caused by its following properties. First, the spacecraft Umbrella to the basic sign creates an antigravitational shade - the territory of Earth without Gravity. Secondly, sizes of this shade can be rather considerable. The last it is provided with making possibility of spacecraft Umbrella of the considerable sizes without loss of its properties. Besides spacecraft Umbrella consumes low power.

Possibility of business the space travel and excursions in Medial Space is caused by making possibility on spacecraft of large supplies of air and a food because of practicability of major sizes of the spacecraft. Reserves place by the same principle, as in spacecraft Drill. For very far space flight the air do not take on the spacecraft, as it occupies the considerable volume and mass. Instead of it take only the most necessary component - oxygen with small addition of other gases, for example, nitrogen and carbonic gas. The energy generator settle in the same way, as well as in the spacecraft Drill.

At the long-term space travel for lack of Gravity it is necessary to be psychologically ready to the considerable anatomic and physiological changes of an earth person. Crew and passengers in process of a build-up of duration of space travel will lose our modern view and to be transmuted into those surprising asthenic figures which are observed on Earth at space newcomers. It is necessary to note, that at start from theirs planet they could be rather similar to us. However at space flight on the antigravitational spacecrafts, similar to ours, they became absolutely new phenotype. 

Salvation of mankind by spacecraft Sphere

Spacecraft Sphere can be applied for salvation of mankind. It is in the form of sphere (compact mathematical space), what is convenient for wide use on Earth. The spacecraft will allow to solve sick problems of salvation of mankind: to exclude motor transport corks in streets, a gassed condition of cities, and it is essential to brake process of the global warming also. Sizes of the spasecraft, unlike the previous spasecraft Umbrella, it is inconveniently to increase because of an inefficiency of use of the spherical (compact) shape of the spacecraft in the capacity of an antigravitational shading resort. Therefore it is especially convenient for individual using including therefore as the spasecraft possesses very prompt start because of guidance of Inertia. Almost instantaneous start allows to use the spasecraft with rather major efficiency in the defensive purposes at attack threat on a country.

Space flight on the craft Cylinder

Spacecraft Cylinder is most suitable for circumterraneous and Space transportations. Under condition of enough preliminary detection of a dangerous asteroid it is used for space flight against asteroids. The technology of control Gravity and Inertia of the spacecraft ("Spacecraft Cylinder" see) allows in the process of space flight to exclude shocks of the spacecraft against Earth at its landing or at its mooring to an asteroid. It allows also at a pursuit of the dangerous asteroid, which able to move with velocity V2 ("Spacecraft Cylinder" see above), to catch up with it for account of the spacecraft velocity, greater of the asteroid velocity. By that the space flight direction of the craft is provided with the resorts featured in the (Spacecraft  Ambrella).

The spacecraft Rotor on Earth and in Space

Spacecraft Rotor is most suitable for operative interception of a terrestrial ballistic rocket. It is provided by the almost instantaneous start of the spacecraft on Earth to the velocity, commensurable with the velocity of a meteor in Space. 

By that the spacecraft has ability and instantaneous to reduce velocity of the flight from peak V (which more than velocity of a meteor, see Spacecraft Cylinderto null. Its this double ability allows to solve the fantastic problem. The spacecraftgravekettle can score many time for a controllabled meeting of an asteroid «in a forehead» without collision with it and instantaneously, safety for itself, to be switched to the counter motion with velocity of the asteroid. The subsequent flight control of the asteroid will allow the spacecraft to decline the asteroid from its path to Earth.

Space and terrestrial flight of spacecrafts Tornado and Wave

The spacecraft Tornado. Providing the ability to control the upstream, downstream and lateral tributaries of the maternal ether in the spasecraft Tornado (see Spasecraft Tornado) gives it extremely high functionality in terrestrial conditions. This is the opening of deep deposits of rocks, and breaking the ice cover of the Arctic Ocean on the way of a sea vessel. This is both the operational reduction of river floods and the shearing of dangerous storm surges. 

The spasecraft can smoothly carry very heavy objects, including carrying military vehicles through a water barrier – a river without the construction of a pontoon crossing. Spasecraft Tornado can rearrange existing buildings and structures on new foundations in order to more useful redevelopment of a city, as well as increase the number of floors of buildings for their greater capacity. The latter allows you to increase the population of the city without expanding the occupied territory, excluding the increase in the number of urban transport and the complexity of controlling its movement.

A flotilla of several dozen the spacecrafts can be sucked into its internal cavity within a few minutes and transfer a huge amount of loose soil, from which they can pour a dirt dam within minutes to protect the city from the flood approaching the city.

Spasecraft Tornado can very effectively extinguish forest fires. This is ensured by the fact that he is able to quickly collect water from a river or reservoir and, having excluded Inertia, follow the course exactly along the curvilinear front of the spread of fire, filling it with water.

The spacecraft Wave. The spacecraft Wave is most suitable for protection of Earth against dangerous asteroids. It is caused by the very high speed travel of the spacecraft, exceeding the speed limit of an asteroid on four orders, and also by possibility of transport of a nuclear charge.

Besides, the spacecraft is convenient for resettlement of people on other planets, especially, being on major distances from Earth. It is provided, first, by rather high speed of the spacecraft flight, secondly, by possibility of the soft landing to the attained planet, thirdly, by maintenance of high capacity of the spacecraft.

For comfort of passengers at start of the spacecraft the radiation on the starting device begin with long waves, which then smoothly are automatically shortened. Besides, in transit of people the launcher should provide synchronization of operation of its individual emitters for jolting exclusion of the spacecraft.

Because of lack on a new planet of the launcher the retrace of the spacecraft to Earth will be impossible. However the proximal to it planets will are accessible, as the functions of the spacecraft Umbrella are maintained in it. If the spacecraft will initially have major enough sizes at start from Earth it can be loaded the doubling stripped launcher. It will allow to carry out its retrace to Earth. At start of the spacecraft in the return flight the gravitational generator of energy of the spacecraft Wave is used (Space flights  on the craft Drill see).


How to control gravity – search of new trajectories


In papers: “Gravity is not an attractin” and ”Magnet, Gravity and Inertia" is featured the nature of gravitational and magnetic interacting of bodies detected by the author. Comparison of these two phenomena has shown the deep organic likeness of Gravity and magnetic field activity. This likeness consists that a general bottom of these interactings is the motion of ether through a body. By that and Gravitaty, and a magnetic attraction originate for the viscous friction account. It is the friction between the ether, proceeding through a body, and ether microvortexes. The microvortexes are a structural bottom of solid bodies, fluids and gases (The Cause of the Chemical Bond - Inertia and Gravity see). 

The detected likeness is mustered observationally (look « Magnetic field, a charge and electron spin - exclusive experiments ». The experiments on the installation, specially designed for this purpose, have confirmed deep-seated likeness of Gravity to magnetic field activity. unique possibilities of how to control Gravity obtained. These possibilities are implemented by author in the constructions of antigravitational kettles (look Prevention of the catastrophes). The developed kettles allow to solve many, not solved till now, global problems (look Main page). The effective trajectories of the further improvement of these kettles are found also (look on Main page point 18). 

However, all ­- whether, streaming from the Unified Theory, the trajectories of rise of management efficiency by Gravity are used? Unified Theory of Nature shows, that not all («Working out of the Unified Theory» look). We will begin with the analysis of interacting of ether and a magnet

The experiments, mentioned above, have confirmed the magnetic field activity as the gravitational. At the same time, obviously, here not all secrets of activity of a magnetic field are uncovered. There was the puzzle. Here it. Why the ether streams of a magnet, proceeding through a body (look the experiments), do not create such major gravitational pressure, as the maternal ether, proceeding through the same body to Earth (look Gravity is not an attraction)? Having solved this puzzle, it is possible to significantly improve  designing of antigravitational kettles. 

From the Unified Theory follows (look What is a magnetic field and a charge?), that these magnetic streams are in the form of cylindrical spirals. The stream is twirled about the longitudinal axis rather promptly as its velocity is close to the velocity of gyration of a microvortex (look Velocity of a current of ether in a Neutron star and Velocity of a meteor in Explosions of Galactics and stars). However because of cylindrical helicity of the shape of the ether stream in a magnet here originates the worm mechanical transmission (look about a mechanical motion in Time and Time machine). The magnetic stream moves along a cylinder axis in comparison with specified above the cross speed of a torus microvortex much more slowly

Besides the theoretically rigid worm pumping-over of a magnetic stream of ether (1st factor), it is transferred also for the account of passing traversal gyration of streams of the тоrus microvortex (look What is a magnetic field and a charge?). However from torus geometry it is known that a torus thickness always it is essential less size then the torus diameter (2nd factor). Then the longitudinal linear advance of the magnetic stream for the account of traversal gyration in the torus microvortex will be essential to lose the linear travel of peripheral points on the stream surface at its rotational displacement. As a result the mentioned longitudinal worm pumping of a magnetic stream will be slower, in comparison with its lateral motion. 

In addition to specified at the pumping-over of the ether stream by the microvortex magnetic pump the viscous slip (3rd factor) of ether in the place of contact of the magnetic ether stream with the ether microvortex (look Properties of ether) arises. Therefore the velocity of a longitudinal motion of this stream will be in addition even more lowered. 

From the Unified Theory it is known that velocity of a longitudinal motion in a microvortex is equal to velocity of fluxion of ether to Earth (look Vortex formation  and about a microvortex in “What is a magnetic field and a charge" see above). The specified velocity of fluxion of ether to Earth causes Gravity of Earth. The velocity of fluxion of the ether stream in a magnet causes the local magnetic Gravity (look above “Magnet, Gravity and Inertia”). Then because of agency of three specified above factors, as well as the relative sparseness of the magnetic ether streams, the magnetic filtrational pressure of ether on a body (local Gravity) will be essential less than the filtrational pressure of the ether, moving to Earth, on the same body (Gravity of Earth). 

It is the answer to the brought attention to the question above: why the ether streams of a magnet, proceeding through a body, do not create such major gravitational pressure, as the maternal ether, leaking to Earth. New trajectories of gravity control stream from the erected mechanism of interacting of a magnet and ether.  




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